In the enchanting pages of "When God Made Light," best-selling author Matthew Paul Turner, alongside the vivid and dynamic illustrations of renowned children's illustrator David Catrow, weaves a poetic narrative that illuminates the heart and uplifts the soul. This story begins with a powerful invocation, "Let there be light!"—a divine decree that sets the universe aglow, pushing back the darkness and filling the cosmos with a radiant splendor. Through Turner's lyrical verse, readers embark on a journey of creation and discovery, where light is not just a physical phenomenon but a symbol of hope, guidance, and the innate goodness that resides within us all. Beyond its captivating imagery and rhythmic prose, "When God Made Light" is a profound reminder of the light that exists within each child. This light, bestowed by God, is a beacon of imagination, purpose, and potential that encourages young readers to explore the world around them with wonder, to dream boldly, and to shine brightly. As children turn each page, they are invited to see themselves as keepers of this divine spark, equipped to chase away shadows and to make a meaningful difference in the world. Turner and Catrow's masterpiece is more than a story—it's an affirmation of each child's unique value and capacity to bring light to the darkest corners of our existence.
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