In "Them," Jon Ronson embarks on a daring and darkly humorous journey into the heart of extremism, uncovering the bizarre and often terrifying world of individuals who believe in the existence of a shadowy elite controlling our world. From Islamic fundamentalists to neo-Nazis and Ku Klux Klansmen, Ronson not only interviews these extremists but also delves into their most deeply held convictions. What he discovers is a thread that binds them all: the unwavering belief in a clandestine, omnipotent cabal. As Ronson attempts to find the secretive room from where this elite supposedly orchestrates global events, his adventure takes him through a series of increasingly strange and dangerous situations. He is chased by mysterious men in dark glasses, finds himself unmasked as a Jew in a Jihad training camp, and even stumbles upon international CEOs and politicians engaged in an eerie pagan ritual in the forests of northern California. "Them" is an eye-opening exploration of the thin line between extremism and the mainstream, challenging the reader to question what really separates "us" from "them." Through Ronson's engaging narrative, we are forced to confront the possibility that the world might indeed be stranger and more interconnected than we ever imagined.
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