In the heart of a chilling Halloween season, Sid, a sentient skeleton with a knack for uncovering the truth, finds himself wrapped in a mystery that hits too close to the bone. During the annual Halloween Howl, Sid eagerly takes on the guise of Scooby-Doo, accompanying Georgia Thackery’s Velma for a night filled with more than just tricks and treats. Their festive spirits are dampened when the haunted house they venture into becomes the scene of a real-life horror: a dead body is discovered, turning a night of fun into a ghastly crime scene. As the authorities lock down the venue, Sid sheds his canine disguise to navigate the twists and turns of the haunted house not as a guest, but as a detective with a skeletal perspective. With every creaking floorboard and shadowed corner, Sid inches closer to unraveling a mystery that proves to be as complex as it is deadly. In a world where the line between the living and the dead is as thin as a skeleton’s femur, Sid must use all his bone-derived wit to crack the case, ensuring that this Halloween will be remembered not only for its frights but for the justice brought to light.
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