In the simmering summer of 2017, a staggering phenomenon unfolds as four hundred individuals vanish into thin air, leaving behind the trappings of their everyday lives without a trace or a clue. Among the disappeared is Kevin Moore, a former military man turned disillusioned civilian, who casts aside his mundane existence in a defiant leap into the unknown. This enigmatic exodus marks the rise of the Massive Brigade, a shadowy collective that blurs the lines between activism, political upheaval, and insurgency. With America teetering on the brink of revolution, the motives and ambitions of this group remain as opaque as their whereabouts. Enter Special Agent Rachel Proulx, a seasoned FBI operative with a keen eye on the burgeoning undercurrents of left-wing movements across the nation. Her familiarity with Martin Bishop, the enigmatic and charismatic figurehead of the Massive Brigade, positions her at the epicenter of a complex investigation that threatens to unravel the fabric of American society. As Proulx peels away layers of subterfuge, she exposes a conspiracy that challenges the very foundations of democracy, setting the stage for a confrontation that could alter the course of history. Olen Steinhauer masterfully crafts a narrative that is at once a pulse-pounding thriller and a profound commentary on the tumultuous, uneasy times in which we live.
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