In the shadowy depths of rural southern Ohio and West Virginia, "The Devil All the Time" weaves a dark and compelling tapestry of interconnected lives, marked by violence, faith, and redemption. Donald Ray Pollock masterfully sketches the post-World War II American landscape, where Willard Russell, a haunted war veteran, struggles in vain to save his wife from a merciless illness, spiraling into a chilling abyss of sacrificial rituals. Amidst this grim setting, a sinister duo roams the highways, a twisted preacher seeks salvation through deception, and a young Arvin Eugene Russell, orphaned and hardened by loss, navigates a path of righteousness littered with moral ambiguity. Pollock's narrative is a relentless exploration of the human condition, delving into the darkest corners of the soul with an unflinching eye. The characters, bound by blood and fate, are etched with a raw, gritty realism that makes their journeys harrowing yet undeniably human. "The Devil All the Time" is a mesmerizing tale of survival, the indomitable will to overcome insurmountable odds, and the intricate web of choices that define us. It's a story that stays with you, haunting the edges of memory long after the last page is turned.
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