In the heart of the quaint country of Dorimare lies Lud-in-the-Mist, a city where the mundane and magical rivers of Dapple and Dawl merge, hinting at the city's complex relationship with the otherworldly. Once, fairy fruit and the enchantments of Fairyland were cherished, adorning the very fabric of its society under Duke Aubrey's rule. However, the tides of time have turned these wonders into forbidden indulgences, casting a shadow over anything that whispers of the fae. This is the world Mayor Nathaniel Chanticleer must navigate when a crisis of the heart and lore ensnares his family. His son, Ranulph, is rumored to have tasted the very fruit that now symbolizes societal transgression, thrusting Nathaniel into a labyrinth of ancient secrets and the quest to reconcile the city's, and his own, relationship with the realms beyond. "Lud-in-the-Mist" transcends the boundaries of genre, weaving a tapestry rich with folklore, mystery, and the quest for understanding in a world where the line between reality and the fantastical blurs. Hope Mirrlees masterfully crafts a narrative that is as much about the personal journey of Nathaniel Chanticleer as it is about the collective awakening of a city to the beauty and terror of the unknown. Through its lyrical prose and compelling intrigue, this novel invites readers to ponder the nature of belief, the weight of tradition, and the courage it takes to confront one's fears in the pursuit of truth and harmony.
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