In the shadow of a crumbling Suffolk castle, the Mortmain family's eccentric existence unfolds through the eyes of seventeen-year-old Cassandra. With her pen as her companion, Cassandra captures the poignant and often amusing trials of her life in a series of diary entries that span six transformative months of 1934. Within the ancient walls that have borne witness to better days, her words paint a vivid portrait of a family clinging to the threads of their nobility, grappling with poverty, and yet, bursting with the irrepressible spirit of youth and discovery. As seasons change within the castle's embrace, so do the hearts of its inhabitants. Cassandra's journey is one of awakening and heartache, a tender exploration of first love and the bittersweet symphony of growing up. "I Capture the Castle" is a timeless coming-of-age story, richly adorned with humor, warmth, and the kind of insight that touches the soul. It is a testament to the enduring power of love, the strength of family, and the magic of words left behind in the silent corners of an old castle.
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