In "Farsighted," Steven Johnson embarks on a fascinating journey into the art of making complex decisions, unraveling how the most impactful choices in our lives, from personal decisions about relationships and careers to those that shape the course of civilizations, demand more than a simple gut reaction. Through a rich tapestry of stories and insights, Johnson explores the strategies employed by the world's most effective decision-makers. These range from novelists and city planners to scientists and CEOs, all of whom share a common trait: a forward-looking vision and the ability to creatively and productively weigh their options. Johnson, whose work has previously illuminated the pathways of innovation and creativity, now turns his attention to the intricate process of decision-making. "Farsighted" offers readers a compelling toolkit for better navigating life's most daunting choices. By drawing on a blend of real-world examples and cutting-edge research, Johnson not only demonstrates the importance of a long-term perspective in decision-making but also reveals how our most significant choices can subtly shape the trajectory of our personal lives and the broader arcs of history. This book is an essential guide for anyone looking to understand the complex interplay of factors that inform our decisions and how to approach life's crossroads with confidence and strategic foresight.
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